Clogged or Slow Drains

Clogged or slow drains are a bothersome occurrence that, unfortunately, every home owner or resident deals with at some point in their lives. Clogged or slow drains are not just annoying—they’re gross. Leave them clogged for too long and you invite a host of bathroom or kitchen maladies into your home, from bugs to molds to less-than-ideal smells. Don’t deal with all the unpleasantries that come with a clogged or slow drain for longer than you have to! Contact Emergency Plumbers for a fast and long-lasting solution!

Signs of a Clogged Drain

How do you know if your drain or drains are clogged? Here are the common signs:


Water pools out, then drains slowly


Mysterious pools of water near the tub or the sink


Toilet bowl water bubbles when you run the sink


Rancid smells from the kitchen sink drain or bathroom drain


There are frequent gurgling sounds from the drains, particularly after you run an appliance such as the dishwasher

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    When Nothing Else Works, Call the Experts

    You may have tried to unclog your drains by yourself, but to no avail. You may even have had to deal with overflowing, or other messes. Spare yourself the headache and contact the professionals. We have a dedicated and passionate team of plumbers who are on standby seven days a week to assist you.

    No Long Waits

    Other plumbing services in the Atlanta metro area book their schedules to capacity. Technicians arrive late, cancel abruptly, or book appointments only days or even weeks in advanced. Emergency Plumbers has been working in the Atlanta metro area for years, and we value our customers. You have to deal with any wait-times or cancellations. From everyday plumbing needs to true emergencies, we’ve got you covered. And with excellent customer service and the most affordable rates, we guarantee you’ll have an exemplary experience.

    Call to unclog your drains and get an instant appointment with an expert technician. Problem solved!

    Call (404) 989-5273